Izzy Azeri and Dan Belcher got together to develop Stack driver a few years ago. Stack driver was a cloud monitoring solution and it was acquired by Google in 2014. While working with Google, integrating Stack driver with Google’s cloud platform, they found that the process of writing new pieces of code and integrating it with an already existing code base has become very fast now. However, the bottleneck is the testing part, which makes the entire process slow. This is where they got the idea to automate the testing process, and decided to use machine learning for the same.
After spending sometime at Google, the two got together to found Mabl, a tool based on machine learning which makes functional testing as easy as possible for the developers. Mabl goes through the code and automatically detects which part of the code does what. This means, every time the developers make a minor modification to the code, they don’t have to write extensive tests by hand. Mabl automatically scans your website and looks for the potential sources of error. You can train Mabl by walking it through a possible scenario, and Mabl automatically understands which part of the code is supposed to do what. So next time you make a change to the website, as long as Mabl identifies the button, it will perform the test by itself and let you know if everything went accordingly or not. Mabl has also developed a chrome plugin, which can be used to test the functionality of a webpage.
Mabl is presently a crew of 20 members and they are offering free service to the developers in the preview period. Mabl is thinking about monetizing their services, by charging the developers based on the number of testings they do. However, they still haven’t figured out the details and the revenue model is still to be decided.
The founders of Mabl said that it was difficult for them to arrange for funding for their first start up, Stackdriver. However, this time it was fairly easy to arrange for funding for Mabl. CRV wanted to invest in Stackdriver but missed out and Stackdriver got sucked into Google. This time, the CEO of CRV, Murat Bicer, did not miss the opportunity and invested in Mabl very early on. He is now on the board of directors of Mabl. Mabl has raise $10 million in funding from CRV and Amplify partners.
Mabl is already running on the Google cloud platform. Google makes heavy use of this tool in the development of several of their products. Some other companies which are using Mabl for software testing are RunKeeper, 24G and Codeship. Codeship CEO says that using Mabl has freed time a lot of time for its developers as they don’t have to think about testing anymore. The developers keep making changes to the code and Mabl automatically tells them if the code is broken or not. This makes it faster for them to fix the error and then move on.
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